Will the Law Society of Upper Canada ban Jews from practicing law in Ontario, too?

no-christians-allowed(UPDATED 2340 May 15/14) What if the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) decided that no Jew who graduated from an Israeli university would be allowed to practice in Ontario because of Israel’s supposed ‘occupation’ of Judea & Samaria? Or that no Jew who graduated from a Yeshiva that teaches the Torah’s prohibition on homosexuality could be a lawyer in our province?

Now you understand the frightening implications of the LSUC’s decision to ban graduates from the Christian-based Trinity Western University’s law school (British Columbia) from becoming Ontario lawyers because of the school’s Christian code of conduct that includes a ban on homosexual relations — a code that has been upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada. Ezra Levant has exposed this bigotry on SUN News, and a special website has been set up to explain the issues: TheRealBigots.com.

Gary McHale’s (author of Victory In The No-Go Zone; speaker at 3 Israel Truth Week conferences) CANACE (Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality) is holding a rally tomorrow — Friday, May 16/14, 11:30am at the Law Society of Upper Canada offices in Toronto, 130 Queen Street W. — to request that LSUC rescind its anti-Christian decision. See the media release below for details.

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